A user asked how to view the most CPU and RAM consuming applications for a user on a shared server in a single graph, using only Insights. ControlUp Solve Computer Trends can display this in two charts, but the user would like the same list in a single graph, over a given period, which is not possible with just Insights. A feature request for this has been suggested. The App Trends section can be used to view one process at a time.
Read the entire ‘Using Insights to View Most CPU & RAM Consuming Applications Over Given Period’ thread below:
A stupid question perhaps, but I have a user who has slowness and blockages in his session.
We can see that the shared server on which he has his session is loaded to the max in CPU and RAM.
I want to know which applications are eating up the most RAM and CPU on this server or for this user in a single graph.
How can I do this? With only Insights…
Thank you in advance, cordially,
JC Moriaud
In Solve Computer Trends, we can show this in the same report but two different charts / two different Top 5 Processes popups:
if you want the same list, you probably need to use the Insights REST API and do so custom reporting / scripting
hum thanks @member, but I had already seen that… 😉
I would love to have this information on a graph with the 5 most consuming processes over the given period….
That’s a good feature request (Cc @member)
For now, you can achieve something similar, but with one app / process at a time
So, assuming you know (from the above report), the mcshield.exe is one of the “TOP CPU/RAM” processes, you can go to App Trends, select the single machine and single process, and see it over time:
actually, the top 5 from computer trends has a link that will take you directly to the above report (with the machine name / process name already in the filter)
I agree, I already tried this but if you are looking at a 7 days period, it is not significant to do this, you don’t have a global picture. Too bad, I will open a freature request 😉
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