The user asked how to identify which devices have Zoom installed so they can bulk select and push a custom script. It was suggested that they check the Installed Applications report on ControlUp Edge DX, and in the new Devices 2.0 dashboard they will be able to filter devices by installed application and then bulk select to push the custom script. The installed applications/versions are updated on the desktop daily but can be forced by deleting the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Avacee\SIP\ScriptLastRunTimes value.
Read the entire ‘Bulk Selecting Devices with Installed Zoom on ControlUp Edge DX’ thread below:
Edge DX we have laptops deployed in which SOME have users that have installed the Zoom exe installer that we have to update remotely……i have working script that worked great so i’m curious if there’s any way in Edge DX to show me only devices that have Zoom installed so I can bulk select – push the custom script?
The Installed Applications report filtered on Zoom should give you that.
And what version.
oh ya good call! ok that gives me a good idea who has it……is there any way to bulk select only those devices so i dont have to push it out one at a time or no?
Coming soon in the new Devices 2.0 dashboard.
In fact thats beta if you want to try it.
i can filter by installed applications in devices 2.0??
Just check the boxes and then use the play icon top right.
or i mean eventually
Not today… 😕
right but in that 2.0 i know you can bulk select devices but will you be able to filter the devices there by installed application first if i understand right?
Not today. Not sure if thats on the roadmap.
ok no problem! thanks for the help!
last question… often does that installed applications/versions get updated on a desktop? i updated zoom on mine about 20 min ago so just curious if its on an interval or what
I’ll verify but I’m pretty sure its 24 hours.
ok cool that works! thanks again
Yep, once a day. If you want to force another run delete the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Avacee\SIP\ScriptLastRunTimes value.
awesome thanks for the follow up!
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