ControlUp users were discussing how to determine failed logins for the Logon Duration Report, and the root cause of the issue: the Antivirus product scanning thousands of files stored in the Roaming profile. The current FSLogix release was mentioned to be ‘trash’, while UPM has been known to work better with one issue. Citrix has been asked to incorporate a work-around in a future UPM release to solve the issue.
Read the entire ‘Determing Failed Logins in the ControlUp Logon Duration Report’ thread below:
Not sure if this is the exact proper channel for this question…
We have been having some failed logons for various reasons and we are working through the reasons. The question is how does ControlUp report failed logins in the logon duration report? The durations look great, because it doesn’t seem to factor the ones that failed to log in because they took too long (over 60 seconds).
@member it may not detect the logon due to it failing. There are certain events and markers that are created during logon that if it fails to early they may not create. @member might be able to explain better. Question is can you replicate the issue. If you can it might be best to use Procom to see what is happen at logon,
We have the issue itself basically understood. We were just trying to go back and show improvements in logon times after changes were made. The issue is that logon times didn’t really change over time because the extra long ones aren’t included in the calculation.
Things look better than they were…
dose the logon duration script so Gaps? if it dose and they are large Gaps u need to use promon to see what is happening in them
“because the extra long ones aren’t included in the calculation” you can us insights to see all the logons it very easy to show
if controlup are going somethin in insights that moves some from the graphics, Download the data and generate ur on grphics to show the trend
that will give you every logon for every session that logged on
But if the logon doesn’t complete because the roaming profile takes too long to copy from the profile server for example, these aren’t logged as near as I can tell because, as stated above certain event markers aren’t created because the login failed. I know the answer to my question. Thanks for all of the information. I really do appreciate it.
@member what’s in the logons that has them so larger. Are u you using a traditional Roaming profile or a profile solution like Citrix UPM or FSlogix
The root cause is mainly our AV product scanning the thousands of small files created by various products that are required to roam. We are using UPM and working to move the folders in question over to Profile Containers, but one product does not work with profile containers due to Microsoft Compact Databases (.sdf files) being stored in these paths and the paths can’t be easily moved out of the roaming profile and even if they were, they would still need to be roamed in some manner. I’m working with Citrix to see if they can get their solution to work the .sdf files, which FSLogix does not appear to have issues with. FSLogix, however, comes with new issues so we aren’t really looking to change anytime soon.
@member. Can you not exclude the Files from the scan? I not used profile containers we usually use FSlogix as a replacement for UPM works very well if implemented right. The only thing that is getting me with logon Durations is the AppX applications some sites it can add 300 Seconds. Need to find the time to get my head around them
Yes. We understand the issue. My question was about ControlUp logging and determining if the changes we are making are having a positive effect. I was just surprised that I wasn’t seeing the logins over 60 seconds, that failed, in the reporting. I think I understand that now. We just have to figure out a different manner of looking at it.
The current release of FSLogix is trash. This is has been discussed in the EUC Slack channel quite often. I’m not confident that Microsoft won’t break things with it in the future according to their own agenda, as seen by the changes in the current release. UPM works well for us with the one little issue I have been having with it, but I think I have found a work-around and will likely get Citrix to incorporate into a future release.
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