A user asked that ControlUp allow for Historic Data for GPU and Datastore latency and I/O historically in Reports via UserVoice suggestions, and urged others to upvote. ControlUp revealed they have already implemented Historic Data for GPU in some environments, and do not find granular Datastore data for latency and I/O useful since they don’t look deeper than average/max over 5 minutes.
Read the entire ‘Feature Requests to Expand ControlUp Reporting Capabilities’ thread below:
Hi All,
I have raised a few ideas/feature request on UserVoice to expand some of the reporting capabilities:
Historic Data for GPU:
Datastore latency and I/O historically in Reports
Please cast a vote if you think these are useful too so they could be considered by ControlUp 🙂
no need for the gpu one as that is comign with streaming (our coming new method to bring historical data to our backend, we already have it in some environments)
And about the datastores, this is my personal opinion but since we don’t go any granular with historical data than average/max over 5 minutes I wouldn’t find it that usefull as for datastores you need to see it on the second
gpu data 🙂
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