Location data often has inaccuracies when pulled from GPS info or ISP IP databases. Though enabling Location Services on a laptop provides more exact house locations, improvements are coming that will let the user assign a custom location. This can be assigned to all devices with a certain range of IP addresses, for example, all devices with X IP addresses in Office Site A.
Read the entire ‘Improving Location Data Accuracy with Customization Options’ thread below:
is there improvements coming in the location puts me 100 miles away from my locations and i see tat consistent even with the small pool of users in my lab
we pull this from the gps info of the device or ISP IP geo information databases and that last one we can’t really fix as they are known to not be 100%
very little value in it then or at least not reliable i see it put one of my team in the middle of the ocean before
For what it’s worth, the ISP location always puts me in the correct city within a few KM of my true location. But it can vary and some ISPs are better than others. If I enable Location Services on my laptop then it gets my exact house.
We do have improvements coming soon if you want to assign a custom location to all devices within a certain range of IP addresses. For example, all devices with X IP addresses get placed in Office Site A.
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