A user asked for ways to track downtime and uptime percentage of their VDI’s for an SLA with a customer. A team member suggested using Scoutbees or the session count historical dashboard. Another option is to use the ControlUp powershell module to build a database for tracking availability. A UserVoice request can also be made for this feature. URL: https://support.controlup.com/v1/docs/monitor-cluster-powershell-api-cmdlets
Read the entire ‘Tracking Downtime and Uptime for VDIs in ControlUp’ thread below:
Hi Guys, Am trying to figure out if we can get down time and up time of all our VDI’s into an overiew to check the availabilty of the machine’s to a percentage. We need this data for our SLA with a customer. Any ideas if this is possible?
We don’t keep track of availability states over time. What we usually recommend is to try to talk mgmt away from that and look at it from an operational availability. Setup Scoutbees scouts to test the various Desktop pools or delivery groups and report on that if the availability was good.
Another option would be to look at the session count historical dashboard since that shows you managed machines and managed machines with users,
If you really want to get historical availability data on the number of available machines you could build your own database using our powershell module but that would need some kind of database for you to ingest it and build it out https://support.controlup.com/v1/docs/monitor-cluster-powershell-api-cmdlets
And last but not least you can always open a UserVoice request to request that we build it
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