ControlUp Academy is a training platform for ControlUp software, offering free self-training and instructor-led content. Users can also obtain ControlUp certifications through the Academy at Additionally, the discussion touched on permissions and login methods for the RT console, with @member providing tips on using SAML and ControlUp groups to resolve issues. The Academy can assist with further training on this topic.
Read the entire ‘Navigating Permissions and Training at ControlUp Academy’ thread below:
Alright, love the new web login method for the RT console, but need some help figuring out permissions. Is Security Policy still authoritative? It seems like things are missing in the RT Console in roles, but I might just be logged in with the wrong user account
I thought I used to have a spot here to add permissions for controlup admins
mine still shows roles there.
did you log in to DEX for the console login with SAML? If so, does your SAML provider pass along SAMAccount name, upn and distinguished name
yes appears to be the case
I am wondering if the SAML user isn’t in the relevant Role in VDI. A quick fix might be logging into 9.0 and adding the SAML User into the relevant role of yours. @member what do you think?
The org owner and roles owner can only be an AD account or group I think. I might be wrong, I don’t have permissions to see it in our demo environment 😄
@member will verify, I got a few work arounds
You can assign a SAML user group to be an owner
@member think you can do the above in 9.0? This should resolve the issue.
Just keep in mind if you do this, the upn user you use won’t have access to the ownership. Probably recommend making the change only as the role manager not the owner
all good here now! thanks for the tip on switching to ControlUp groups! This enumerated my SSO groups which is perfect!
I was able to login via 9.0 console, switch out my groups to the SSO groups and Im all good now
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