A user asked about experience with EdgeDX and XenApp provisioned TS/VDI and was recommended to deploy RealTimeDX instead due to its stateless nature and the fact that it will need rebooting to change the device ID and lose historical reports. To overcome this for Teams Monitoring, the user could install the EdgeDX Agent with a known switch, make a hardcoded link from the C and D drives, and set the custom RegisterWithDeviceName setting to be true. The user then asked if this was officially supported and if it would be coming to EdgeDX or Realtime/Solve, and was told that it is very interesting.
Read the entire ‘EdgeDX & XenApp Provisioned TS/VDI – Is it Officially Supported?’ thread below:
Do anyone have experience with EdgeDX & XenApp provisioned TS / VDI ?
So this is where you’d normally deploy RealTimeDX instead of EdgeDX. Mostly because of the stateless nature of CTX.
Every reboot, the machine will have a different ID and it’s historical report will be lost. We are planning on changing this by the way.
Why are you deploying EdgeDX on Citrix? Because of Teams monitoring?
Yes, because of Teams Monitoring. I make tests with the following steps…Installing the EdgeDX Agent with the known Switch "ONLYSTARTONBOOT=1 ALLUSERS=1" The Service should not be started before the "VHDX" file will be created. I am using Bis-F creating the VHDX File. Creating a Hardcoded link from C:\ProgrammData\Avacee to the Cache Disc D:\Avcee to have the complete log files history AND the same "uid" file after cyclic reboot of the Terminal Server. This should work to prevent creating muliple Devices with the same name in EdgeDX
You need to change the agent to use machine name instead of UID. Set this custom setting on your tenant.
"RegisterWithDeviceName": true
Install the agent (not the agent manager) using this command line switch.
REGISTER_WITH_NAME=1I’m interested in how this goes for you.I will check this, Thank you
Very interesting. There are sometimes environments where Teams / Webex runs in a Citrix / RDSH environment and not on the end user device.
Is this officially supported what CMM has built and can I recommend this to other customers?
Will this officially coming into EdgeDX? Or will there also be a way to get Teams metrics in Realtime / Solve?
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