The user asked for assistance finding a script for an Edge DX weak wifi signal notification for end users, and was provided with a script to use and settings to change. It was suggested that adding the device name to the alert could help, as well as to make sure the retrigger delay was not set too low. The user was also advised to include >=1 in the script to ensure notifications were only sent for devices using a wifi connection.
Read the entire ‘Assistance Finding Edge DX Weak Wi-Fi Signal Notification Script’ thread below:
Good morning, I could have sworn there was a download location for an Edge DX weak wifi signal notification for end users, but am unable to find it. Anyone able to point me in the right direction? Thank you.
Sending the message is really easy.
I use this script
“`[Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 # This line is added automatically to help with Unicode characters. Please add your code below
"C:\Program Files\Avacee\sip_agent\UserPrompt.exe" "WiFi signal is low. Please move closer to the router"
Write-Output("### SIP EVENT BEGINS ###")
Write-Output "Low Wi-Fi Signal has been detected"
Write-Output("### SIP EVENT ENDS ###")“`
The alert looks like this (modify for your environment and script name)
Thank you Joel. I’m new to ControlUp/EdgeDX, so I appreciate the assistance. I’ll give it a shot.
Script settings:
Thank you. It’s working too well. LOL. It sends the message even when a users WiFi is 100%. It will get me started though. Thanks again.
Make sure you have wifi_signal
Oh and make sure you also set the retrigger delay not too low
Thank you for the advice. It was throwing the alert for users with 100% so I’ll have to play with it.
I think you can also add the device name to the alert so that it’s just some test device or your own device
Sounds good. I’ll give that a shot as well. Thanks.
FYI the >=1 is needed otherwise it will send out a message to devices that are using a wired connection.
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