A user asked for help in automating the process of fixing machines with "Agent Unreachable" status in Horizon. Some suggested solutions included recovering the machine or checking the agent service. Another suggested using a trigger from ControlUp’s Horizon Trigger Packs, which the user was not aware of before and later downloaded to try out. ControlUp offered assistance with configuring the trigger, and reminded the user of their CSM support option for a more detailed walkthrough. The specific trigger mentioned was the "Agent State" trigger under the VMware tab.
Read the entire ‘Automating Fixes in ControlUp with Triggers and Trigger Packs’ thread below:
Has anyone successfully created a trigger to automate fixing machines with "Agent Unreachable" status in horizon?
there can be very many reasons for this, for instant clones I would suggest to just recover the machine. For manual/full clones I would look at seeing if the hz agent service is actually running and trying a start of the service and/or the entire machine
as of now we manually recover them. But i was trying to see if i could use a trigger to automate it. So far i have not been able to get the trigger to work
We do have this trigger in our Trigger Packs for Horizon. Have you tried that specific trigger yet?
I was not aware of the trigger packs. Thank for the info. Downloaded and will try that out
Feel free to let us know if you need assistance configuring and setting it up. It will give you more visibility of your Horizon environment.
That would be great. I am not sure what is the best script action to use with that trigger
Hello Craig. it would be the trigger named Agent State under VMware tab.
If you have a CSM you can reach out them so they can book a 30 min call together to walk you through the whole process.
I have the trigger setup and will try some of the script actions we have in place to reboot or recover the VM. If that fails i will reach out
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