The best practice for getting the EdgeDX SIP Agent to a newer version is setting the version in the Console and letting the Agent Manager update automatically. The Agent Manager checks for a new version every X time, and selecting the latest version in the drop-down and clicking "save agent versions" will auto-update machines with the Agent Manager installed. Further information can be found at
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What is the best practice for getting the EdgeDX SIP Agent to a newer version? Does setting the Agent Version in the Console tell the Agent Manager to update automatically? If so, any details on how that works?
Yes, change the version in the console and within minutes the agents will upgrade
That’s what the agent manager is used for. Essentially the agent reaches out to the backend to check if there’s is a new version every x time. Correct me if I am wrong @memberI had a similar question when working with a customer, you must select the latest version in the drop-down, and click on save agent versions. Then it will auto-update all machines that have the agent manager installed on them.
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