A user was building a sentiment survey and wanted to target a specific user group in AD. However, the picker did not show the desired group. A feature that allows for saving drafts was also mentioned. The team discussed upcoming updates that would address these concerns and potentially provide early access to the new version. The surveys are delivered through the Edge DX Agent to the endpoint and the listed AD groups are based on users who have logged into the machines. A team member offered to add the user to the beta for Sentiment V2. If interested, the user can send their contact details and tenant information.
Read the entire ‘Building a Sentiment Survey with ControlUp’ thread below:
hey gang. i’m trying to build our first sentiment survey and want to "target" a specific user group in AD. the picker only shows a small percentage of AD groups and not the one i need. doesn’t look like you can specify anything here and if it’s not showing in the list it can’t be used.
@member does this sound correct? Will this be addressed with our upcoming updates to user sentiment
Also, getting this far into the survey, with lots of questions, a ‘save draft’ would be handy now
i see the draft option now
There’s some significant changes coming I think in a month or so. If you’re really interested in using the feature, maybe we can see if we can get you early access (it will require the 2.14 agent which is the one after the 2.13 that will come out any day now)
I’ll let Andy chime in tomorrow (we’re both east coast)
Thanks. How are surveys delivered? Is it using an agent on the vda, endpoint or?
Through the Edge DX Agent to the endpoint. Technically you could also deploy the agent inside VDI alongside the realtime dx agent, but that might not make sense from a licensing perspective. Edge DX is focused on dex management for endpoints
The groups you see in the list are the ones that we have seen from the users that have logged into the machines. There’s no direct link with the ad
Wouter is correct in the way we get the list of AD groups, it’s from the devices, not a direct AD query.
@member If you want to send me your contact details and the info on your tenant (dm or email is fine), I can add you to the beta for Sentiment V2 which should be available in the next few weeks. It adds a lot of new functionality including being able to save drafts.
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