A user asked whether it is possible to create a trigger for an event log that is not System or Application – the answer is yes, but only for administrative logs and not all of them work 100%. It is necessary to add the event log to the Events Controller first. The KB referenced is at https://support.controlup.com/docs/events-pane. The user will open a support ticket to investigate further, as the message generated didn’t appear in the ControlUp console.
Read the entire ‘Can a Trigger be Created for a Non-System/Application Event Log?’ thread below:
This should be a pretty simple question for someone with more ControlUp experience.
Can I create a trigger for an event log that is not System or Application?
Specifically: Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager/Admin
I added the event log to ControlUp Events.
I created a trigger.
I figured out how to manually generate an event. New-WinEvent -ProviderName "Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager" -Id 50282 -Payload @("Test")
I didn’t get notified.
Yes you can but only for administrative logs and not all of them work 100%,you need to add them to the events controller first
There is a kb but I am on mobile atmit only dose system/applcation/ error/warning if memrry servers me
I believe this is the KB referenced
I assume this is the KB you are talking about, but it isn’t clear if triggers can be created.
It can, done it before
would be interest in it as well if others can be done
I’ll open a support ticket then if it should work. Maybe it’s the log I’m working with or the message I am generating. The message doesn’t show in the ControlUp console I may be doing something incorrectly, or the log is one that doesn’t work.
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