A user asked if $(username) could be used as a variable in an alert template for Windows events. This is not possible, but the value can be seen in the Incident pane if the variable is included in the trigger criteria. This was confirmed with testing. The Template variables can be found in Google Sheets.
Read the entire ‘Can $(username) be Used as a Variable for Windows Event Alert Templates?’ thread below:
when using $(Username) in a template for a alert triggered on a windows event will it give the users name?
$(username) is not a valid variable for event alert templates see Template variables – Google Sheets
not checked for windows events
that as much
the incident pane links it to user name
is there away to get that into a template
Not that I am aware of unless it is in the event details
just tested
both of these givethe values 🙂
Also a tip @member if you involve the value that you want to see in the trigger criteria (like username is * ) it will show up in the trigger value in the incidents pane
yep i was seeing it in the incident pane was not sure if the value was applicable to the variable when triggering from an windows event
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