A user asked if it is by design that an advanced trigger set up for disk space below 10% runs only when the value of the free space changes. It was confirmed that triggers are event based, and two solutions were mentioned - restart the Monitors or add another event such as CPU utilization, which can frequently cross the threshold. CPU utilization was confirmed as the latter approach used.
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ControlUp Community Training & Support Archives
All training and support-related archives from inside the ControlUp Community on Slack.
How to configure SBA for alerting when an FSLogix container size exceeds a threshold
Members asked for an SBA that allows to alert when an FSLogix container size exceeds a threshold. Through a configuration process the actions should be finalized and a "User Logged On" trigger should be created. An event will be written to the Application Log when a user's VHD is outside the threshold and a "Windows Event" trigger can trigger any action. An 8.8 BETA program will be available in Q1 23 and those interested can reach out to @member and @member.
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Read the entire article here...
How to create a Windows event trigger which recognizes warning and error events?
Hi folks, is it possible to create a Windows event trigger which recognizes warning and error events?
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Script to show individual monitor and site capacity and usage with ControlUp’s Real-Time DX
Dennis created a script to help admins monitor and track the capacity and usage of their supported environment with ControlUp's Real-Time DX. An accompanying graphic helps explain the capacity of monitors, which ControlUp's online calculator (https://calc.controlup.com/) can help to determine. Dennis also shared a blog post (https://www.controlup.com/resources/blog/entry/controlup-monitor-cluster-sizing/) providing more information about monitor sizing.
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Running ControlUp Edge DX on Dell ThinOS
ControlUp users discussed a potential Edge DX plugin for Dell ThinOS. Dell mentioned the same feature six months ago, however, there has been no official announcement since. ControlUp users receive reports of both Edge DX and Remote DX. Remote DX is available in the ThinOS 9.1 release but Edge DX will not be accessible until the ThinOS moves to Ubuntu next year. A package is available if users wish to push it themselves.
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Any plans to add Script Actions to ControlUp Solve like you can do currently in the Console?
This Slack discussion discussed the new Script Actions feature on ControlUp version 8.7, with a user having issues running them from Solve. A ticket with support will be opened and it was suggested that it could be related to logging in with a different UPN. More info can be found at https://www.controlup.com/resources/blog/entry/solve-issues-faster-with-controlup-real-time-dx-v8-7/.
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Read the entire article here...
Script for Monitoring Published App and Desktop Session Statistics with ControlUp
A user shared a script for a furniture company that was designed to show the number of sessions for published apps and desktops, and the percentage of the total for each of them. The script must be run on the ControlUp Monitor version 8.6.5 or newer and it was modified to allow for large amounts of sessions. The results use Export-CUQuery instead of Invoke-CUQuery. The discussion also included tips regarding color scheme and location.
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Viewing Survey Results with ControlUp User Sentiments Beta
The discussion discussed a beta version of the User Sentiments feature and how to view survey results. It was suggested that optional questions may be the cause of one survey response not displaying as the other two. The Edge DX agent is available as a workaround. Survey results can be viewed on the Dashboards and Surveys section.
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Passing PID of High Process to Scripted Action in ControlUp
A user asked if it is possible to pass the PID of a process that has become high to a scripted action. It can be done by assigning the script to the process and adding the PID as an argument. The argument will contain the process' values at the time the script is run or the trigger is fired. More information is available at https://support.controlup.com/v1/docs/script-based-actions-sba#adding-arguments-to-your-script.
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Read the entire article here...
Do you need ControlUp Real Time Agent installed to view the Citrix License Usage report?
This discussion revolves around the Citrix License Usage report, and whether the Real Time agent needs to be installed on the Citrix license server. It was confirmed that it is necessary for on-prem customers, although hard to do for cloud customers. Additionally, triggering the license with the PowerShell module is possible since version 8.6.5, and requires a two step trigger and running the script in the message.
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Read the entire article here...