A user asked if they could create a blacklist of applications in Edge Dx. It is not currently possible to prevent applications from launching in this way, however, scripts and alerts can be used to detect and remove forbidden applications. An alert template for this can be deployed with Edge Dx, as well as AppLocker registry keys.
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ControlUp Community Training & Support Archives
All training and support-related archives from inside the ControlUp Community on Slack.
Errors in Excel when trying to open the export of a SBA? Specifically the FSLogix log parser
When trying to open the export of an SBA in Excel, users can encounter errors due to a maximum row height of 409.25. Support helped to determine that double-clicking into the cell or highlighting and pasting the data into Word or NotePad can provide solutions.
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Any time line when ControlUp Remote DX data will be included in historical reports?
This Slack discussion discussed upcoming features related to RemoteDX for the ControlUp streaming project: including visibility in historical reports, Client Metrics under Session Details and Gantt, and a new Preset in Session Activity. The user asked about previewing the features in their environment, and the PM offered their availability for a scheduled session.
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Does rebooting ControlUp servers have a negative affect on load balancing
Various members discussed the need to reboot servers on a weekly basis, and the issues it could create with load balancing. It was suggested that ControlUp users stop and start the monitors directly from the console, which can properly rebalance the environment. It was also suggested that a PowerShell command be created to restart the monitor services at once.
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EUC sync scripts is not fetching the updated objects added to the delivery groups
An issue was being discussed where EUC (end user computing) sync scripts were not fetching updated objects added to delivery groups. In addition, there was a question asked about cost management for azure provision workloads, with responding comments about scripts for cost reports, as well as ideas for a script that would track the cost of a particular machine. The conclusion was for further discussion about these requirements in a call the next day. KBA feedback for the EUC sync script was also requested.
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Is there a Security Policy to Allow or Deny the Changing of Views in ControlUp Console
A user suggested a security policy to allow/deny changing views in ControlUp Console, which would have to be set on a per-user basis. It has been 6 years since views became global while the column order is still per user and stored in appdata XML. If a new view is created, everyone sees it, which might explain why our demo lab is "jam packed with them". The user tested that after moving OS to the left, closing the console, deleting the private config, and relaunching the console, OS was back to the right.
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How to Display Solve Dashboards on Smart TV?
A user asked about displaying Solve Dashboards on their Smart TV - the solution is to use the "TV mode" button in the upper right-hand side of the dashboard.
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Missing the “Reconnect ” Option for RDP sessions in ControlUp RealTime DX
The discussion focused on the lack of a "reconnect" option in RealTime DX for managing Remote Desktop sessions when resolution changes occur. The team is currently exploring "Solve Actions" as an option, with additional Edge DX capability in the future. Customers are using Devolutions RDM and its "rdp file association" as a workaround for now. ControlUp RDX stands out as it allows for various credential sets and no additional tooling is needed. Reconnect option can be found when right-clicking on the machine instead of the tab. A tabbed RDP manager using the RealTime Console has many benefits, such as copy/paste of clipboard and files.
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Using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) with ControlUp and Scoutbees
A user asked about using Multi-Factor Authentication(MFA) for Scoutbees with ControlUp, discussing external and internal scouts, static tokens, and options such as TOTP. Phone call verification and SMS-based MFA are both supported, as well as TOTP and static codes. Documentation was described as "clear as mud".
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ControlUp Solve Feature (CVAD User Sessions) Incorrect Values
A user noticed that sometimes, some of the values in the Solve feature (CVAD User Sessions) was incorrect. The Discovery view can be inaccurate but should be close enough and the default update period is once every 2 minutes. It was suggested to open a support ticket with as much information as possible (including screenshots) and to email them at support@controlup.com
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