A user asked if there's a script to list installed versions of the VDA as well as the functional level of the Master Catalog and Desktop Group. Suggestions were provided along with a script for functional level. It was recommended to put the functional level requirement as a roadmap item for the product.
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ControlUp Community Training & Support Archives
All training and support-related archives from inside the ControlUp Community on Slack.
Can Display Scaling be Used When Remote Controlling PCs?
Simon asked if it was possible to use display scaling when remote controlling a PC. Tom replied that while it is not currently available, the new ControlUp 2.12 agent will display a single monitor on devices with multi-monitor display, and provided a screenshot of the feature as an example.
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Read the entire article here...
Trouble Targeting AD User Groups for the ControlUp Sentiment Survey Setup: Need Advice
Good day,
I am trying to setup a user sentiment survey for our customer. I encounter an issue while targeting a specific AD user group, I cant seem to t...
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Read the entire article here...
Export-CUQuery: Troubleshooting Outlook Crashes and Cleaning Results in Excel?
A user asked questions about using Export-CUQuery to filter Outlook crashes and problems - Wouter replied suggesting running the query on different monitors and checking data types. It was suggested that the events are kept in the monitor in-memory database for 60 mins by default.
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Read the entire article here...
Community Benchmarks Implementation and Overall User Experience Score in Insights?
The user asked if Community Benchmark stats are available only in the Insights > Logon Duration tab, and if there is a benchmark score for overall user experience that combines UX metrics. It was clarified that there is no UX score benchmark yet, but it is part of ControlUp's roadmap. Additionally, CPU/RAM/IOPS usage benchmark is shown in the App Trends report.
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Read the entire article here...
Anyone experiencing Teams crashing or not opening with ControlUp Edge DX, Beyond Trust Endpoint Privilege Management (Avecto), despite ControlUp exclusions?
A user asked if anyone is using EdgeDX and Beyond Trust Endpoint Privilege Management (Avecto) in their environment and experiencing issues with Teams crashing or not opening. ControlUp has exclusions in place, but the issue persists. Following registry entries should indicate exclusions put in place by the Avecto team. Communications between ControlUp and Avecto support may be necessary to troubleshoot the issue further.
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Read the entire article here...
How Can I Generate a Report for IOPS and/or Read/Write Latency for VMware Datastores?
A user asked how to get a report for iops and/or read/write latency for a VMware datastore. It was suggested to use the Host Trends report in ControlUp Insights/Solve or export schedules. A trigger with thresholds can also be used along with the exports or export-cuquery to indicate when the datastore is slow and report back. Host Stress showed latency of almost 1.3 sec. for read and writes.
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Read the entire article here...
Why is My Advanced Trigger in ControlUp Not Functioning Correctly for Long-Running Processes?
A user was having trouble with a trigger set up to identify a process that has been running too long, resulting in either false positives or no action taken. Suggestions were made to set up a scheduled trigger with invoke-cuquery and possibly use invoke-cuaction with Remote PowerShell for the killing of the process. A suggestion was also made to open a support ticket. Another user also highlighted the filter on Start Time in the GUI as not being useful for the things they needed it for.
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Read the entire article here...
How to Set an Alert for Specific Account Login on a Certain Machine?
A user was looking for an alert to fire when a specific account logs in to a specific machine. The suggestion was to use a User Logged In trigger with a quick filter, and they figured out in the end that the issue was with the domain\username not just username.
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Read the entire article here...
What Differentiates ‘Machines’ from ‘CVAD Machines’ in ControlUp?
A user asked the difference between "machines" and "CVAD machines" and the response was that the former includes both machines received from CVAD (including brokers/DDCs and VDAs) and data from hypervisor, EUC site, and the agent, while the latter just includes machines from CVAD.
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Read the entire article here...