A user asked if it is possible to create a report based on the last time a device connected to the company's network using EdgeDX. EdgeDX provides the 'netcfg_info' and 'location_history' indexes with information on the public IP and network adapter IP associated at that time. Alternatively, a script can be used to send data to a custom index when an internal IP address is reachable.
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ControlUp Scripts & Triggers Training & Support Archives
ControlUp Script and Trigger training and support-related archives from inside the ControlUp Community on Slack.
Collectively Improve Current ControlUp Functionalities with UserVoice Feature Request
A user sought the help of other ControlUp Citrix DaaS & ControlUp users in pushing for an improvement with regards to the current functionalities. A feature request was made on ControlUp UserVoice (https://controlup.uservoice.com/forums/953875-controlup-uservoice-prospect-request-form/[…]ns/47371013-rewrite-all-controlup-scripts-for-citrix-daas). The user needed to modify an existing script ("Enable CVAD machine maintenance mode") to suit their DaaS environment. Guy is currently scoping out this work with an initial script.
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Leveraging ControlUp Triggers to Restart Services After VM Boot Up
A user asked about using ControlUp Triggers to restart a service after a VM boot up. Options discussed include Uptime in Minutes and Status column triggers, but it may be best to use a Scheduled Task in the VM. Advice was given to be careful with the equals operator, as it is risky for numeric values like uptime. A further suggestion was to use BIS-F with a custom script looping until the service is started.
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Exploring Monitoring with Citrix UPM Containers with ControlUp Community
Customer questioned the potential for integrating Citrix container metrics into ControlUp's Real-Time-DX. They went on to ask if these metrics would be relevant to Citrix UPM, and @member suggested replicating the UPM config check PowerShell script. This sparked a discussion about the potential for monitoring with Citrix UPM containers and the Control Up User Voice platform, and highlighted the importance of having a good relationship between users and the company. https://controlup.uservoice.com/forums/953875-controlup-uservoice-prospect-request-form/suggestions/47540390-citrix-profile-container
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How to View Historical Alerts for a Server in ControlUp Solve
A user asked about how to view server alerts in a historical view, such as disk space. It was recommended to view the last 14 days on the incidents tab in the real time console, and use historical reports in Solve (machine statistics) to get a better picture.
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Setting Up ControlUp Event Log Triggers for AppLocker Logs
A user asked for help setting up an event log trigger for AppLocker log under Windows. After being directed to a Powershell command to check if AppLocker is a supported event log, it was confirmed that it is not currently supported but there is work going on to improve this.
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Investigating 404 Error using ControlUp Edge DX API for Device List
A user encountered a 404 error when using the API to call a script against a device list. A Network check script was supplied which could address the 414 devices before it broke, with 1 per device ID specified. The issue was discovered to be due to a machine having an altered Device ID within 3 minutes. The EdgeDX API URLs mentioned in the message were 'Global-EdgeDX Download Manager' = 'downloads.sip.controlup.com', 'Global-EdgeDX tenant' = "$edgetenant.sip.controlup.com" and 'Global-Google Maps' = 'maps.google.com'.
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Read the entire article here...
Creating a Custom Report or Data Index with ControlUp
A user asked if there was a way to import external data from CSV files into ControlUp to create a custom report or data index - the only way is to run a script on endpoints. An example of this is used by a customer to create an asset management index. The data is available in the registry, and can be accessed and used to create the data index with ControlUp using a login script run from a GPO.
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Viewing and Acknowledging Alerts in ControlUp Solve/Dex
A user asked how to view and acknowledge alerts in Solve/Dex, and if not possible, if it is included in any plan. It is only possible in the real-time console, and not in Solve/Dex. The closest option to this is Enrich for AVD/ServiceNow and Edge, which can be found at https://support.controlup.com/docs/en/url-access-directly-into-controlup-monitored-resources?highlight=URL%20Access%20Directly.
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Troubleshooting Event Log Trigger Alerts for Applications and Services Logs
A user asked if anyone had any experience getting custom Event Viewer trigger alerts to work for applications and service logs, and whether they were able to get the process working correctly. It was suggested to ensure that the console was correctly collecting events before setting up triggers, and that the events were accessible in Powershell. The user was then referred to a ControlUp article (Real-Time Console - Events Pane [https://helpcenter.controlup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015114517-Real-Time-Console-Events-Pane]) before it was suggested they use the "scheduled task trick" to create an event in the application.
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Read the entire article here...