The user asked where AppVolumes and FSlogix fall in the Logon Time Counters. The answer is "Logon Duration - Other" - as the ControlUp counters detect the duration of the standard Microsoft events. FSLogix has a phase "LoadProfile" and "ShellStart" which ControlUp tracks in ALD, while AppVolumes has similar hooks, though they may cause logon blocking due to executing scripts.
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ControlUp Scripts & Triggers Training & Support Archives
ControlUp Script and Trigger training and support-related archives from inside the ControlUp Community on Slack.
Resolving Error After Deleting Script from SIP/Scripts in ControlUp
A user deleted a script from sip/scripts, and after running the script, it returned an error stating the script did not exist. It was suggested that saving the script again should recreated it, which the user did and they were then able to push the script to the device.
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Is It Possible to “Collect” Event IDs and Fire an Action in ControlUp?
It was asked if it is possible to "collect" event IDs and fire an action when a certain event ID happened multiple times within a certain time frame. Currently, this is not possible, however, users can use a workaround with a Powershell script and event triggers. A related request has been submitted to ControlUp, and can be found at
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Finding a Trigger for Horizon Agent State Monitoring in ControlUp
A user asked which trigger to use to monitor the Horizon Agent state to detect if it is Unreachable. It was suggested to use the HZ State Column in the Machines View, as detailed in the Trigger Pack documentation ( The user received an alert email for when the Value changed from Available to Agent Unreachable.
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How to Check if a User Accessed an Application such as a VPN in ControlUp
The user asked if it was possible to see if a user had used an application such as a VPN. @member recommended checking stopped processes and authentication logs, then provided a script to check the VPN default gateway. It was suggested that an alert could be set, but the user noted they were looking for a report. An update was provided, detailing how the user found the information they needed by looking at the user's login and logout times and logs. @member was thanked, and Blair was asked to set up a customer testimonial about it.
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Using the Universal EUC Sync Script in ControlUp
The user asked about the Universal EUC Sync script as the online documentation displayed a more up-to-date version than what had been downloaded from GitHub. They were informed that GitHub always provides the latest version and were advised to ignore the version displayed in their RT Console, and click 'yes' to any warning messages. It was also mentioned that the script may become a built-in functionality in the next major release, although this is subject to change.
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Investigating Failed Scripts in User Context in ControlUp
The user noticed that scripts that run as users are running from File C:\ProgramData\Avacee\sip_agent\scripts\ and two scripts from File C:\ProgramData\Avacee\sip_agent\scripts\temp\ are failing. The user inquired if anything changed and found out that the scripts are stored in the scripts folder, but are copied to a temp folder for the user when run in order to avoid multiple users running the same script. The scripts were working fine the previous week on 140 devices, only 4 devices had it functioning.
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High User Input Delay Issues: Patch Windows OS and Adjust CPU Priority
The user was asked if the high User Input Delay (UIP) was due to infrastructure issues or the Microsoft counter, and @member recommended patching Windows OS if there is a memory leak in ControlUp agent, as well as comparing session count/CPU usage and reducing CPU priority of non-critical processes. The user thanked and will patch as soon as possible. More information can be found in the article at
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Avoiding Alert Floods with Multiple Conditions in ControlUp Scoutbees
Users asked if there was any way to avoid getting flooded with alerts when setting multiple conditions in Scoutbees - one suggestion is to have the scout run every hour and have it alert after a certain number of failed tests. Although this solution is not ideal, another suggestion was to have a user vote for the request on the roadmap and ask for an update. Further, another user suggested introducing Polly for Slack polls instead. The certificate alerts provided by ControlUp are also not ideal.
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Investigating BSOD Reports with ControlUp
A user asked how they can get a BSOD report put into the Device Events of the computer it happened on, and also what parameters are available. A ControlUp member suggested the bug check code should be converted to Hex, and provided an example. They also recommended the user look into scripting, or upgrade to agent 2.13, which includes Windows Error Reporting. ControlUp 2.13 will provide UC&C improvements.
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