A user asked for help running a script from ControlUp Edge DX, which was not producing any output. It was suggested to check the JSON output and the website link was shared for more info. It was also clarified that when running the script manually, the output showed Unhealthy - BSOD found. Finally, the new BSOD dashboard was mentioned and it is expected to go into production this weekend, which the user was excited to hear.
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ControlUp Scripts & Triggers Training & Support Archives
ControlUp Script and Trigger training and support-related archives from inside the ControlUp Community on Slack.
Sivan’s “Did You Know”: How to Set Up Triggers in ControlUp Real-Time Console
This week's "Did you know" explains how to set up Triggers in ControlUp, like using 'Add collections' instead of round brackets when writing a query such as 'idletime >= 10 days AND (state=disconnected OR state=Idle)'. More information about setting up Triggers can be found at https://support.controlup.com/docs/setting-up-triggers?highlight=add%20collection. After sharing this information with a customer, they expressed a positive response.
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Determining Language in ControlUp Realtime DX
The question was asked about how the language is determined in ControlUp Realtime DX. It was observed that the console inherits its locale according to the culture set in the environment where it is started, with examples provided on how to do so in PowerShell. It was noted that the calendar used is in Irish due to the setting of ga-IE, but that the administrator needs to set the culture to en-IE for an English calendar. This is because the DateTimePicker takes its language and formatting settings from the system's regional and language settings.
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How to push a ControlUp custom user action to machines via API call?
Does anyone know if there is a way to push a custom user action to machines via API call? We are running into an issue and we would like to run a user a...
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Targeting ControlUp Edge DX Alerts to Specific Devices
A user asked about targeting specific devices for a ControlUp Edge DX alert, and Landon recommended using an environment variable in a script to make sure it only runs on certain devices. The user then clarifies their question to also include checking for WiFi strength, which can’t be done with a script but will have to be done manually. They thanked Landon for looking into it. The referenced support article can be found at https://support.controlup.com/docs/scripting-guide#targeting-a-script-at-a-specific-device.
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Issues with Event Triggers Not Detecting Informational Events on ControlUp
A user had an issue with event triggers on ControlUp not detecting informational events. It was confirmed that informational events are not detected, so the user is unable to get notified of both failure and recovery.
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Is it Possible to Disable ControlUp Edge DX Alerts Temporarily?
The user asked if it was possible to disable EdgeDX alerts temporarily - ControlUp responded that it is not possible without deleting the alert, but they are looking at adding it as an update to the alert system. The interim solution is to change the trigger level so it doesn't hit the threshold.
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Finding Actual Size of FSLogix Profile .vhd in ControlUp
The user asked for a way to get the actual size of their FSlogix profile .vhd in ControlUp since disk metrics in Solve use values from Windows or FSlogix logs. Four scripts in the realtime console may have the relevant info and the "Current Size" column can display the size of the VHDX. It was then suggested to watch a webinar from yesterday and a blog which talks about the VHDX size. The Show FSLogix mounted container details SBA can show the "VHD Actual Size (MB)" field which displays the size of the VHD from the share.
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Viewing Remote Users Through UAGs with ControlUp Real Time DX/Solve
The user was unable to use ControlUp Real Time DX/Solve to view remote users connecting through UAGs. After resolving an issue to get the Universal EUC Sync Script working, this user is now looking for a way to view historical data of specific UAGs connections. Currently, the data is only available in real-time and historical data can be made by using the Export-CUQuery in PowerShell, exporting the relevant fields and sending it to PowerBI, Splunk, or Tableau to build a report. Link to documentation: https://support.controlup.com/docs/add-horizon-integration and https://support.controlup.com/docs/export-cuquery.
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Stress Testing Tool Recommendations for Generating High Usage in ControlUp
A user asked for recommendations on stress testing tools and generating high CPU/RAM/network usage. Suggestions offered included Notepad for increasing memory, CPUStress, LoadGen, SimLoads from eucscore, a PowerShell script for maxing out all but one of the CPU cores, and a Linux command to generate a single thread of stress. The G0-EUC team use LoadGen for their research and the post also provided a link to their testing methodology.
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