A member of ControlUp inquiries about a change in the alerting for dex_score, as they have been receiving false alarms recently. After further discussion, it is revealed that the device_score is calculated differently and is not stored in any index. The device_status index does include a field for dex_score, but it is used for the Employee Centric Dashboard.
Read the entire ‘Changes in Dex_Score Alerting for Devices in ControlUp’ thread below:
Hello, did alerting for dex_score change recently? We have an alert set up to see if any devices are scoring 6 or lower. It was working fine about a week ago but this week, we’ve been getting tons of alerts that appear to be false alarms. Upon checking the device score at the time of the alert, we are not seeing any numbers lower than 6.
Should be 6000
1 = 1000, 10 = 10000
Ohh okay. We definitely had it at 6 before as well.
I’ll update it. Thanks!
I will double check but as far as I know the dex score has never been in 1-10. Wondering if it was a different metric?
@member did our index scale change for dex score?
Just to confirm, is that the right condition (dex_score) to use for device score?
No it’s not. I think those are calculated in a different way and are not in any index
We are going to redesign the device health score in the future that should change that, but at this time I don’t think you can alert on that score
Also tagging @member
As Joel has stated, the Device Score is not stored in any index and is calculated on demand instead.
The device_status index has a field called dex_score, this is the score for our Employee Centric Dashboards (https://support.controlup.com/docs/employees-view-overview). The value is a float as Joel covered.
Ohh okay. This is good info! Thank you guys
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