A user asked about installing the ControlUp agent and Remote DX across an on-premise environment, with IGEL and Windows PCs as clients. In order to control both from the console, version 8.8 and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Smart-X\ControlUp\Console\EnableAgentManagement set to 1 are required. The Remote DX should be installed via SCCM, as per Microsoft’s policy. Full details can be found on the ControlUp Support Upgrade Guide, linked here: https://support.controlup.com/v1/docs/upgrade-guide-for-hybrid-cloud-8-x-to-8-8#upgrade-controlup-agents.
Read the entire ‘ControlUp Agent and Remote DX Installation on an On-Premise Environment’ thread below:
The ControlUp agent was installed so far in my environment via SCCM.
I want to change to installing it from the Console instead, to get more independant.
But when it comes to the Remote DX agent, I need to go back to SCCM…
Should I open a feature request for an installation of all agents via the Console to be more coherent ?
Thanks in advance
you will always need remote dx agents in sccm or intune as the targets of those are the clients and those usually don’t live in the console (yes there are exceptions). They are the prime target for Edge DX but also the citrix/horizon/avd client shouldn’t be active when installing so targeting is a bit more challenging
Upgrade / Uninstall MSI-installed agents
From version 8.8, you can upgrade and uninstall agents that were installed with the MSI installer from the console. On the console machine from which you want to manage the agent, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Smart-X\ControlUp\Console\EnableAgentManagement set the value to 1.Ohh, sorry. RemoteDX. Yeah, that and Edge will probably always be separate as they are on different release cycles.Thanks for your replies.
In my case, @member, I should have specified that I’m on premise and I have IGEL and Windows PCs as clients. I have the Remote DX on my IGELs and my questions was actually more for the PCs. The agent was sent via SSCM and I want to use the console instead and also install the Remote DX agent. So if I get it rights, I should send both via SCCM to be more coherent?
Or can I use 8.8 to send the Remote DX installer from the console as you are saying @member? In this case I manage all from the console?
with Microsoft wanting to block down on installing software the method we use form the console I wouldn’t focus too much on that to be honest. That option from Landon is only for the RT agent. I would advise to keep the deployment via sccm
Thanks a lot for this update.
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