Someone was looking for system requirement and AV exception documents for Edge DX. The documentation available on Support Controlup showed AV exclusions for Controlup, which included one item needed for Edge DX. Powershell was found to be blocked by CarbonBlack, and it was suggested that Powershell should be allowed as Edge DX runs PS to gather metrics. It was also suggested that the Edge Docs be updated to reflect this, and that sipagent.exe should be whitelisted to allow Powershell to run.
Read the entire ‘Finding System Requirements and AV Exceptions for Edge DX’ thread below:
Can someone point me to any Edge DX system requirements and AV exception document? I’m seeing CarbonBlack blocking powershell.
I search the KB site and couldn’t find it.
all are on that
EdgeDX at the bottom and loks like only one thing needed
Ya i found that, but nothing about allowing PowerShell. I see in Solve that powershell is not able to run and gather CPU and disk stats.
might be a permission thing. don’t know edgedx well do u have to run the scripts localy or using a service account?
when i say locak i mean in the lovcal user contec=xt
Looks like Edge DX runs PS to gather metrics. Some of our clients disable PS. I’d like some documentation to show them it is required.
We’re going to update the Edge Docs to reflect this, but if powershell is blocked, sipagent.exe may need to be whitelisted so it can run Powershell. Most scripts run as system, but it would be best to allow user context too in case someone wants to create or run a user context one.
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