A user noticed that sometimes, some of the values in the Solve feature (CVAD User Sessions) was incorrect. The Discovery view can be inaccurate but should be close enough and the default update period is once every 2 minutes. It was suggested to open a support ticket with as much information as possible (including screenshots) and to email them at support@controlup.com
Read the entire ‘Solve Feature (CVAD User Sessions) Incorrect Values’ thread below:
I have noticed that sometimes, some of the values in Solve (CVAD User sessions) is incorrect, like its a value from yesterday, then updates to something that looks correct, then switches back to the incorrect number. Is there a good place for me to look and check for this?
There’s 2 places that show this data. One of them is what we call the discovery view.
The other is the grid view
Which one was inaccurate?
Discovery tends to update slower. So it can be inaccurate but should be close enough.
I think the default update period is once every 2 minutes
This sounds like a bug somewhere so I would strongly suggest to open a support ticket. Please gather as much info as you can (screenshots are always useful!) and email support@controlup.com
@member Will do. @member – The grid view is where I can see the incorrect number of sessions. We have a custom dashboard for details about a specific delivery group, that is where I noticed it first.
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