A user is looking to create a trigger in ControlUp that will catch user assignments where the assigned user’s Active Directory account has been removed. Other users chimed in with suggestions and possible reasons why the suggested metric is not available.
Read the entire ‘Creating a Trigger to Catch Removed Active Directory Accounts in ControlUp’ thread below:
Good day all, I’d like to create a trigger that will catch user assignments where the assigned user AD account has been removed from Active Directory. The condition is shown in the attached graphic. I’m not seeing any out of the box criteria for this as CVAD assigned user is not an option. Is there possibly some condition I’m missing? @member @member
I’m assuming CVAD assigned user isn’t an option because when the user is a SID, it isn’t a user and therefor the cvad assigned user field is empty?
No, the metric CVAD Assigned User isn’t an option anywhere I’ve looked, otherwise my though is I could do a wildcard such as S-1-*
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