A user asked about creating Toast Notifications with ControlUp’s script for Edge DX. After getting an error in the script, they asked for help and received two examples from @member. It was also mentioned that BurntToast, a PowerShell module, could be installed and used with Edge scripts.
Read the entire ‘Creating Toast Notifications With Edge DX Scripts’ thread below:
We are starting to look into Creating Toast Notifications for our company to send out to users. I am working with this script from Control Up’s site: https://www.controlup.com/script-library-posts/send-toast-notification/. I am getting an error – cmdlet test.ps1 at command pipeline position 1, Supply Values for the following parameters: (Type !? for Help.) message: If I type something in manually after the message: command, I do get the pop up at the bottom right of the Windows 10 desktop with a notification, Control Up’s logo and the message I typed in manually. Where and what do I add to the script so the message for users shows up after running it and I don’t have to manually type in a message for this script to run correctly. Any examples of what you guys have used in the past would be great. Hope this makes sense. I can add the script if needed. Thx for any help.
I have to have a look at one of our scripts in Edge DX, the script referenced was developed for Real-Time DX, so it might assume certain functionality that’s unavailable in Edge DX, especially the parameter passing. Which might be causing the errors.
Thx appreciate any help.
Just to confirm: this is indeed for Edge DX that you are looking for?
Yes sir.
Are there any other toast notifications you can recommend for us, to use that might work with Edge DX that are already created?
So first of all, a clarification: Edge DX does not support any parameter passing today, so any message you want to send need to be hardcoded in the script.
The easiest way to send a message to the user, is using the built in message capability in the Agent, which is maybe not as sophisticated/customizable as Toast, but it’s very simple, e.g. this code:
“`[Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 # This line is added automatically to help with Unicode characters. Please add your code below
"C:\Program Files\Avacee\sip_agent\UserPrompt.exe" "WiFi signal is low. Please move closer to the router"
Write-Output("### SIP EVENT BEGINS ###")
Write-Output "Low Wi-Fi Signal has been detected"
Write-Output("### SIP EVENT ENDS ###")“`
Sorry, I’m trying to find the code for the toast message, but the account it’s on apparently restricted my permissions to see scripts. @member can you possibly provide the toast code that works for Edge DX
No need to apologize, appreciate all the help!!!
these are 2 examples that I tested for a custoemr yesterday and that work. At some systems the way some scripts grab an application id breaks so I went back to just grab the one for powershell. One is a generic example I used for an old citrix receiver and has a few more options. The second one is for bad wifi and has a fix for that app id
Thx @member these are great examples! Appreciate all the help.
Also you could look into BurntToast which is a powershell module. Install that on your fleet, then call that with Edge scripts.
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