A user asked if it is possible to make custom columns, specifically a "pending reboot" column, in the details window of ControlUp. Other users suggested using scripts to create custom data indexes and introduced the Uservoice platform for feedback. Other users expressed interest in a feature to view pending reboots, and one user shared that they have a script to deploy and import into a table for this purpose. A link to the scripting guide was also provided.
Read the entire ‘Custom Columns and Pending Reboot Feature in ControlUp’ thread below:
Is there a way to make your own columns? I would like a pending reboot column in the details window, I dont currently see that available as an option.
with scripts you can create custom data indexes, check the kb for some guidance
I think he means in the details view or device view. Like a sensor.
Currently this is not possible. The only way to present specific custom data is in a custom index/report. But not on the page you are looking for
Justin, are you already introduced to our Uservoice platform?
I assume he means add a column in here. If it’s not in the Column picker Justin, you cannot today
Yes, sorry was on another thread, thats what I mean, on the details view. I know how to use scripts to create my own data tables, so thats not an issue, just wondering if i could use that data table to make a column.
Can you please add this to our uservoice? Click on the icon in the bottom left, then click on Share your feedback and follow the link from within your DEX account
@member I like that idea a view of pending reboots
Do you already have a script for that ?
yes i have a script, i tried to include it in the user voice in a text file but it wouldnt let me up load it
I was going to use the script to deploy and import it into a table
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