A user suggested having customization options available for Scoutbees Daily Digest such as sorting by failure rate or tag. They suggested using the Scoutbees API with Microsoft Power Automate, to which another user suggested even if the alerts create an event on the Hive Server, they could use ControlUp for alerts and automation. A blog on using the Scoutbees API with Microsoft Power Automate can be found at https://www.controlup.com/resources/blog/entry/how-to-use-the-scoutbees-api-with-microsoft-power-automate/.
Read the entire ‘Customization Options & Alerts with Scoutbees & ControlUp’ thread below:
With hundreds scouts, it would be more useful if there are some customization options available for Scoutbees Daily Digest, such as sort by failure rate or tag.
would be better if we could pull the information via api and make our own reports
maybe this can help:
Excellent blog, thanks! Will the Alert data be available via API anytime soon? We have been trying to get the scout alert data integrated into our event correlation solution.
Even if the alerts create an event on the hive server, we could use controlup for alerts and automation
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