A discussion took place about upcoming developments in Windows Services Monitoring. This feature is expected to be available in ControlUp’s 8.8 version in Q1 of 2023. There is also anticipated FSLogix integration with Windows 2019. Services will be a big improvement for users who have done a lot of scripting for services in the past.
Read the entire ‘Developments in Windows Services Monitoring Coming with ControlUp 8.8’ thread below:
I heard rumors😉 that windows services monitoring will be available in near future. Any update on that?
triggers for services are planned for 8.8 as far as I know so not visible in dashboards (yet)
you eat an elephant in small bites so triggers would be a great step. It will be visible then in incidents and we can fireup some nice scripts
Yes and the feature will consist mostly on triggering on the status of Services. Scheduled for 8.8, indeed
any ETA on 8.8?
8.8 is targeted for Q1 23
If you are a consumer/prospect of AVD then 8.8 is the release for you… Might even be some nice FSLogix integration as well 😉
No AVD (yet), but fslogix on Windows 2019.. yes 😉
services would be fantastic doing so much scripting on services the past few months. It prob the seconds biggest gap in the controlup solution
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