Hi guys happy Monday, sometimes we are running out of space in ControlUp Monitors C drive due Activity files growing so I was wondering if anybody knows if activity files are auto removed at some point or in case we need to manually remove them is there any suggested date range we should keep these files.
Usually we recommend adding a dedicated drive for the activity files. After some time the should get zipped up and placed in the configured backup folder.
Files are deleted automatically by the monitors based on the back settings.
See https://support.controlup.com/docs/activity-files
By default it will fill the drive to %10 free
Thanks for the quick response guys
taking a dive in the post now 🙂Hello @member
I have a dedicated drive for my monitors as Wouter suggested. It’s better.
For an unknown reason one of my monitor filled completely the drive space… I removed this monitor from my architecture and create another one…
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