This discussion revolves around the Citrix License Usage report, and whether the Real Time agent needs to be installed on the Citrix license server. It was confirmed that it is necessary for on-prem customers, although hard to do for cloud customers. Additionally, triggering the license with the PowerShell module is possible since version 8.6.5, and requires a two step trigger and running the script in the message.
Read the entire ‘Triggering the Citrix License Usage Report with PowerShell’ thread below:
Hello all – In order to see this report do we need the Real Time agent installed on the Citrix license server?
Yep. Exactly.
Assuming you are an Citrix On-Prem customer.
For Citrixix Cloud it’s pretty hard to install the agent on the license Server :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
@member You can also trigger on Ctx license with the Powershell module (thee since 8.6.5 I believe). It is a 2 step trigger. You create a scehduled trigger that run once a day to check the ctx licensing and a second trigger to trigger on Event ID 4003 (see script)
“`#This script uses the ControlUp PoSH module to fetch info about the Citrix Licenses and raises event 4003 when one exceeeds the configured threshold
$pathtomodule = (Get-ChildItem "C:\Program Files\Smart-X\ControlUpMonitor*ControlUp.PowerShell.User.dll" -Recurse | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending)[0]
Import-Module $pathtomodule
$threshold = 90
Fetches info from the Citrix Licenses table
Write-Output "Licenses used"
$licenses = (Invoke-CUQuery -Scheme main -Table "Citrix Licenses" -Fields *).Data
foreach ($license in $licenses)
if ($license.ctxLicensesUsedPrecent -gt $threshold)
Write-EventLog -Source "ControlUp Agent" -LogName Application -EventId 4003 -Message "Citrix license have exceeded the configured warning threshold ($threshold). Licenses in use: $license" -EntryType Error
Write-Output $licenses“`
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