This discussion suggested adding a drilldown or popup when clicking on the "live" real-time session in Discovery Sessions in the ControlUp console, allowing for historical session states to be readily seen. Insights were discussed as well as the invoke-cuquery command with the mentioned session fields. Historical Reports can be found in Session Details of a specific session under the "right click" action menu. Following this conversation, a feature request was made with the Customer Success Manager for a historical reports drilldown from a drilled down machine, and a bug was identified in Solve.
Read the entire ‘Enhancing Historical Session States in the ControlUp Console’ thread below:
seems it would be nice to have that info available from the live session itself. unless I am missing something
@member @member – I guess we can consider adding a drilldown / popup item so when you click on the “live” real-time session in our Discovery Sessions view, it will show the historical session states, just like we all showing historical CPU/RAM.. data from the real-time view
I mean it doesnt act any different that using the legacy console with insights. Maybe a feature request?
With the current method for historical data it would be hard @member due to the delay but with streaming I think it should be doable.
streaming will make it easier, but even today the Solve “real-time” discovery view can query our “Insights” DNB for historical session data
Maybe something for @member 🙂
If you just want the latest state change or latest idle change, you can use invoke-cuquery with the SessionIdleState and SessionStateChangeTime fields. If you combine this with eConnectState and SessionIdleState you can get pretty far.
Steve below:
• Is currently connected. eConnectState = 0
• Is currently idle. SessionIdleState = true
• Last session state change (aka when did eConnectState last change?) was 11/11/2022 at 10:07:20 am local time (SessionStateChangeTime)
• Last idle state change was 11/12 at 10:50:03 am
With that information I can imply:
• Steve reconnected a session that he previously disconnected from. Because his session create time is significantly different from session state change time.
• I know he reconnected because he is currently connected (eConnectState = 0)
• I know Steve became idle 11/12 at 10:50:03 am
• You could calculate idle time from that. Or you can look at the relevant counters. Like oIdleTime (displayed as timespan.tostring() format) or oIdleTimeCounter
SessionIdleState and SessionStateChangeTime are considered internal columns. Not sure why but do keep that in mind if you use these columns.
Insights confirms the timing above. Steve came back from begin disconnected at 11/11 at 10:07 am (red). And became idle on 11/12 at 10:50 am (green).
Hi Chris,
Just to make sure you are aware 🙂
If you right click a live session there’s an action called Historical report that will take you to the Session Details of that specific session
lol. Or do what Eran said. Much easier.
See, even we as employees learn new things every day, lol
I didn’t realize that. Perfect
So I dont have “Historical Report” as an option when I click on an active session
can you make a full screen screenshot? (dm is also allowed)
The session needs to run on a machine with a cu agent
it has agent.
I think you have selected Horizon or citrix here, select all or agent
problem is i dont have that option in every view
here i do
but if i go into the delivery group i dont
that’s because the folder on euc environment level isn’t aware of the agent data, you always need to do this with the agent as starting point
thats stupid
when there is a problem techs always look for the user first.
and they can perfectly find them on the folder level
don’t even need to drill down
last one is from the root folder
you see the inconsistency though for technicians. It works from folder level, even though it shows User sessions (all). However if you are in the EUC structure, User sessions (all) doesnt give you that information. It is confusing . There is different data in different places with no explanation really.
sad face
The regular good old reliable CU console..if you view a delivery group from EUC tree…if you click on a computer there, it then automagically takes you to the regular folder structure where you can get agent data.
solve doesnt do this
Im seeing way too many inconsistencies in the solve interface for those of us coming from the CU console to make the switch permament. Just honest feedback.
Troubleshooting shouldn’t be done from the euc environments but from the folders in the tree that contain the machines as that’s the place where all data is combined
Thanks for the feedback Chris!
Adding @member and @member
I understand where you are coming from but I work with some of our biggest customers and that’s where they all start
another inconsistency. I am in view with user session (agent) but no historical data option
I do agree that the drilldown into a machine should bring the option for the sessions
I understand everyone uses it differently. I’ve been using CU since 2015.
thanks for the clarification on workflow and where to find historical reports. that will help a lot!
Let me ping your csm for a feature request of the historical reports drilldown from a drilled down machine 🙂
Done 🙂 (having it come in through a csm makes sure it gets enough weight to it 🙂 )
BTW @member thanks to this question we did identify a different bug in Solve so thank you for that 🙂
@member, I would love us to get on a call and better explain you about the topology behavior.
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