When creating a new tenant, users received the error "Configuration Import failed". This was backed up by the event viewer and was later found to be an issue with the central configuration database. The issue has now been resolved. For more information visit: https://controlupcommunity.slack.com/archives/C04L8ACC4Q4/p1693233582114699
Read the entire ‘Troubleshooting a Configuration Import Error in ControlUp’ thread below:
Hi, every! I trying to create a new tennant with my client, but we received this error. Anyone how i resolve error "Configuration Import failed" ?
I click on Work Offline and received the error on event viewer.
Tks Landon.
So is there an active issue going on with central configuration database…
As I was trying to create a new script based action and it did not saved it… any ETA on this @member ?
Not sure. I just know we are working on it.
Thanks @member do let us know here if you notice any Progress or change in the status of the issue
I ran into the same issue @member while creating a new script action with a customer. It is related.
Should be good to go now.
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