The user was having difficulty inviting a new user on their dex tenant. It was suggested that the user should have access to the ControlUp configuration console. However, it was clarified that this is only needed for the VDI and Daas part. The user was advised to open a support ticket to resolve the issue.
Read the entire ‘Error Inviting New User on Dex Tenant’ thread below:
Hi Every! Anyone takes this error to invite a new user on dex tennant? I Have a customer in PoC and he receive this error when try to create a new access. Now, i using a Azure AD on authentication and in step for enroll a MFA on Microsoft Authenticator and put the verification code i receive the error "Something went wrong, try again later" i try with other methods, e-mail and phone but receive the same error.
Has the user already got access to controlup configuration console. I think that is still needed? @member am I wrong
The user don`t have access on console, and never loggin anytime 😞
I might be wrong but I think that is still needed
Not for dex, only the vdi and Daas part. Please open a support ticket.
Ahh see @member loves telling me I’m wrong
Ok Wouter, thanks, Thanks for the help
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