A user encountered an error accessing the service in their EUC environment, even when the broker was available and accessible on port 80 and shared credentials were working. They tried port 443 but the same error occurred. It was suggested that they use the Data Collector’s installed Citrix PoSh SDK to see why it was failing, but were unable to do so due to no trust between domains. The user suggested it had been working until some days ago. It was suggested to look at the other side as all parts on the ControlUp side were working.
Read the entire ‘Error "there was an error accessing the service" on an EUC environment ‘ thread below:
Hi, i have this error (there was an error accessing the service) on an EUC environment even if broker is available and reachable on port 80 an shared credentials are working
Do you get the same if you use the IP address instead of FQDN?
yes same error
Would need to have log4net to see why it’s failing. You sure access is possible from this machine and does it have the sdk installed?
tartgetmachine is reachable on port 80 should be enough or not? sdk isn’t installed, how can i create the log4net, cause controlup agent isn’t installed on that machine
There’s also a log4net for the console but to be able to connect the data collector needs to have the sdk or installer or if you use console/monitor those machines need to have the sdk installed. There should be a link just below from the visible part of your screenshot
Can you try 443 instead?
Was XML service changed from default (port 80)?a ok, yes on the datacollecotor the sdk is installed
Can you run on the Data Collector in an elevated PoSh prompt:
asnp Citrix*
Get-BrokerSite -adminaddress yourfqdnofonecontroller
no 443 doesn’t work, xml service wasn’t changed
Get-BrokerSite : The caller was not authenticated by the service. it’s on a different forestokay. so the PoSh DSK is there but the user running the PoSh is not able to get the information 🙂
Can you run a PoSh with the user you specified in the Data Collector settings at ControlUp Console?
eg "runas /noprofile /user:UserDomain\Username powershell.exe
there is no trust, between so i can’t start powershell with the service user of the extern domain
Okay, so then its not gonna work because the DataCollector will use the installed CVAD PoSh SDK to grab the information for the EUC Environment.
but it’s working with all other cvad that are also in different forests without any trusts and it worked also for this one until some days ago
Okay, thats strange…
Is that a newly introduced Data Collector for that specific forest?
no we have a single datacollector for all our customers
Oh okay.. And all EUC Environments are no longer working since a couple of days?
no, all others are still working, only this one has this error
Okay. I think I got it (finally) 😄
I would start looking at the other side since we know all parts on the cu side are working
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