When trying to open the export of an SBA in Excel, users can encounter errors due to a maximum row height of 409.25. Support helped to determine that double-clicking into the cell or highlighting and pasting the data into Word or NotePad can provide solutions.
Read the entire ‘Troubleshooting Errors in Excel when Opening an SBA Export’ thread below:
Anyone else get errors in Excel when trying to open the export of a SBA? Specifically the FSLogix log parser.
No errors when opening Analyze Logon Duration but not all the data is in the xlsx. I’ll open a support case sometimes happened , reopening fixed it for us. was gone in a later release. Do not recall the version anymore
With the help and of support we determined the following:
Excel has a max row height of 409.25 so large amount so of data will have most of it hidden.
If you double click in the cell you can see all the contents.
Highlight and copy paste from the SBA console in to Word or Notepad
Hope this helps others.
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