The user asked about executing Script Actions from the Solve context menu – depending on the security policy and configuration, some scripts may not be available. It was suggested to check the ones that do show up and apply that to the ones that don’t. Documentation for Solve Actions can be found at
Read the entire ‘Executing Script Actions from Solve Context Menu’ thread below:
Hey all, Im confused about what Script Actions can be executed from the Solve context menu. A lot of our organizational scripts dont even show up. What am I missing? Is it even possible to use all the Scripts via Solve?
Depends on the config of the sba and permissions
i couldnt find any know-how articles about it, what do i need to look out for?
Thanks for the fast answer!
Permissions is the regular security policy as always. The config is hard to say as there are so many options
anything set to console/monitor won’t work if I renember correctly
alright, i guess im gonna check the ones that show up and try to apply that to the ones that dont 😄 here’s the documentation
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