A user asked how to export cache drive usage data to PowerBI/Excel for a customer who wants historical data. A scheduled trigger can be used with a specific query to retrieve the information and export it to a CSV file. Another user shared a tip on using wildcards in the query to retrieve data from specific folders.
Read the entire ‘Exporting Cache Drive Usage Data Using ControlUp and PowerBI/Excel’ thread below:
REQ: Export cache drive usage every 5 minutes and feed it into PowerBI/Excel
Customer wants to have historical data for cache drive (Citrix PVS) filling up.
So I think I can go with a scheduled trigger firing the following and putting it into CSV file:
$result = (Invoke-CUQuery -Table LogicalDisks -Fields FolderPath,Computer,DiskName,Capacity,FreeSpace,FreeSpacePercentage -where "DiskName = ‘D:\’").Data
$result | Export-CSV -path cachedrive.csv -Append
Nothing fancy…
BUT if I want to get "just" the information from specific folders like recursively all below "ControlUp OrgName > EUC Environments Sync > SiteName > Delivery groups"?
Something like this doesnt work:
(Invoke-CUQuery -Table LogicalDisks -Fields FolderPath,Computer,DiskName,Capacity,FreeSpace,FreeSpacePercentage -where {$.DiskName = ‘D:\’ -AND $.FolderPath -like ‘delivery groups’}).Data
(Invoke-CUQuery -Table LogicalDisks -Fields FolderPath,Computer,DiskName,Capacity,FreeSpace,FreeSpacePercentage -where {$.DiskName -eq ‘D:\’ -AND $.FolderPath -like ‘delivery groups’}).Data
Sure this isnt related to ControlUp but more to PowerShell 😄
-where doesn’t accept a script block. It expects SQL-like filters.
Invoke-CUQuery -Table LogicalDisks -Fields FolderPath,Computer,DiskName,Capacity,FreeSpace,FreeSpacePercentage -where "DiskName = ‘D:\’ AND FolderPath LIKE ‘delivery groups’"
Also if you want to use a wildcard for the delivery group clause, use this.
-where "DiskName = ‘D:\’ AND FolderPath LIKE ‘%delivery groups%’"
Works a treat!
Thanks Dennis!
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