A user asked which trigger to use to monitor the Horizon Agent state to detect if it is Unreachable. It was suggested to use the HZ State Column in the Machines View, as detailed in the Trigger Pack documentation (https://support.controlup.com/docs/trigger-packs#vmware-horizon). The user received an alert email for when the Value changed from Available to Agent Unreachable.
Read the entire ‘Finding a Trigger for Horizon Agent State Monitoring’ thread below:
looking for a good trigger to detect Horizon State of Agent Unreachable. Any guidance?
Why not use the HZ State column in the machines view?
i looked at the trigger pack and didn’t see one for this situation
2nd one, Agent State.
This trigger activates if there is a problem with the ControlUp Agent
i’m looking to monitor the horizon agent
Nope. Its using the HZ columns.
hmmm , wording is not very clear. i’ll give it a try
Yeah, its shouldn’t say ControlUp Agent. I’ll have that fixed.
Just make sure thats the string value its looking for.
Yeah, just make sure thats what the console shows.
it does briefly and then it says general error: Error connecting to ‘machine name’
Could not connect to net.tcp……
no email alert and not incident logged.
The one in the trigger packs use a wildcard.
Ignore it. The person that built the trigger had a schedule set. It should reset to All Days.
i got 1 alert
Value changed from Maintenance to Customizing
On a VM that a user logged out of
but on a machine i disconnected the NIC- it shows Agent unreachable, but no alert email
nvm, i just got it:
Column: HZ State
Value changed from Available to Agent Unreachable
actually got 2 emails
Incident timestamp (UTC -4 Eastern Standard Time): 10/16/2023 3:04:48 PM
Columns involved in this incident:
Column: [HZ State](controlup://incidents/HZ%20State)
Value changed from Available to Agent Unreachable
On (UTC -4 Eastern Standard Time): 10/16/2023 3:03:48 PM
Threshold crossed: agent unreachable*
Incident timestamp (UTC -4 Eastern Standard Time): 10/16/2023 3:04:48 PM
Columns involved in this incident:
Column: [HZ State](controlup://incidents/HZ%20State)
Value changed from Available to Agent Unreachable
On (UTC -4 Eastern Standard Time): 10/16/2023 3:03:48 PM
Threshold crossed: *
Looks like your old trigger on that first one. The one I told you to watch the string value…
possibly. i’ll disable and try again
just trying to bump up my Slack stats for @member lol
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