A user asked if anyone uses a send message auto-action with RTDX in order to follow up on user responses, with the possibility of employing a "Happiness survey". Another user suggested looking into the "Super Message" action available in RTDX (https://support.controlup.com/docs/sessions-view).
Read the entire ‘Following Up on User Responses with RTDX’ thread below:
Does anyone use a send message auto action?
Can I follow up on the response of the user?
There are some examples here in the communities for toast messages. For one customer I have also made a wpf message box that’s send using edge dx. One of the versions has a happiness survey that gets stored in an edge dx data index if the user responds within ten minutes. If they don’t respond the box closes (sadly I am not allowed to share the code but wanted to present my solution anyway)
Thanks, actually I’m interested in a survey of some sort with the regular package (no edge, remote dx) and what wondering if there was anything like that being utilized
Hi, if we are speaking about RTDX only, and getting a response from the user, you can use the "Super Message" action
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