A user asked if it’s possible to generate a daily report of unregistered Citrix VMs from ControlUp. Another user responded that it can easily be exported using the PowerShell module and further detail was provided. Automation is also possible through a scheduled trigger or SBA. A script in the library was mentioned but the first user was recommended to use the new script. Steps for running the script and setting up automation were detailed.
Read the entire ‘Generating Daily Unregistered Citrix VM Report from ControlUp.’ thread below:
Morning – is it possible for ControlUp to generate a daily unregistered Citrix VM report that we can have emailed to our administrators?
yes it’s very easy to export this using our powershell module
Thank you – can you provide further detail?
So this is the kb on our powershell module to export data https://support.controlup.com/v1/docs/export-cuquery and what I would do in your case is export the computers table with a filter on where the regiistration state is unregistered
Fantastic, thanks – and how can I automate this report to have it emailed daily?
FOr the stress calculator i have made an sba that can be scheduled to export data and customers use that on a scheduled trigger. Give me a minute and I should be able to give you a oneline to do this
great – thanks. I found this script that can check for Unregistered VMs in the script library but the same question remains on how to run it daily and email the results:
I believe that’s an older one, mine doesn’t have any prereqs
export-cuquery -Scheme Main -Table Computers -Fields * -SearchField XDeskDeskState -Search Unregistered
that will get you a csv with a list of all unregistered machine. I would also suggest to look at our triggers as we have some remediation triggers for this
I am at our sko right now or I would create a small sba for you that you can schedule. Ping me next week and I’ll see if I can make some time for that
Fantastic – thanks!
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