A discussion was held about generating a sizing recommendation report on app.controlup.com. It was noted that the report only includes CPU and memory metrics, while disk size and free space are not available. Adding disk metrics is on ControlUp’s roadmap, but it’s unclear when it will be implemented. In the meantime, users can access historical data for disk usage through powershell or Power BI. There is no disk-specific historical data available currently.
Read the entire ‘Generating Sizing Recommendation Reports with ControlUp’ thread below:
I’m trying to run a sizing recommendation report via app.controlup.com and I am finding no way to add hard disk size/free space to it. Any ideas?
Sizing recommendation report is currently only CPU and memory. I think adding disk is on the roadmap as we introduced this for the Azure cost analysis report, but not sure on timing
I appreciate the response. Any alternative way for now to at least get Free Space/Disk Size? When I go into reports and click "Machine Statistics" I’m able to see free space on system drive. However, I also need the metric for disk size to make this a useful report.
@member you know if we have more historical data points for disk usage
Space etc. i know we have some new realtime metrics but not sure about historical
As far as I’m aware, there is no disk specific historical data. Only as it relates to the computer. IE free space on system disk type metrics you see on the computer object in DEX/console.
Having said that, I don’t know what future plans are
Will not help for historical data now but can use export schedule to create some historical data going forward
And use powershell or power bi to create a nice report
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