A user was looking for help with a script to run in EDGE DX and requested suggestions for the last three lines of the script. It was suggested to replace "SIP DATA BEGINS" with "SIP EVENT BEGINS" – this worked. Cross post can be found at https://controlupcommunity.slack.com/archives/C054KQMGMQX/p1702456041109869
Read the entire ‘Getting Help with Script in EDGE DX’ thread below:
Need some help with a script that i want to run in EDGE DX
Cross post
I think the last 3 lines should be:
Write-Output("### SIP DATA BEGINS ###")
Write-Output $dirSizes | ConvertTo-Json
Write-Output("### SIP DATA ENDS ###")“`
Thanks Bil , Sorted , some odd reason i have SIP DATA BEGINS and not SIP EVENT BEGINS
That also works…
Thank you
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