This EUC discussion explored solutions to an issue where user’s sessions are hung and don’t want to reconnect. ControlUp’s Invoke-cuquery can be used to figure out where a user has sessions, and a registry key value can be used to log them off – though this process must be done remotely. Alternately, there may be solutions available through the EUC platform. When sessions don’t disconnect, this is usually due to antivirus, onedrive, or any systray tool – the best solution is to add these to the LogoffCheckSysModules registry value.
Read the entire ‘Solutions for Hung User Sessions in EUC Platforms’ thread below:
This more a general EUC ask as opposed to a CU ask, but has anyone ever wrote a script (that can be published as an app) that grabs the user’s info and somehow iterates all VDI sessions and if one is found for the user, then log them off? We have random issues where a user’s session is hung and it doesn’t want to reconnect and an admin has to find them and then log them off. TIA!
More to the route of the issue, you probably have a process stuck at logoff, If you check the processes that are still running in the user’s session and kill the processes one at a time you will see were it is getting stuck. This is a common issue with multi session servers @member can use the registry key LogoffCheckSysModules and enter those processes as value in the key, which stays active even after session logoff .
Name: LogoffCheckSysModules
Type: REG_SZ
Value : (Applications executable name. For example, MYAPP.exe)
yep tats in the article i posted
You can use invoke-cuquery to figure out where a user has sessions.
> Invoke-CUQuery -Scheme main -Table SessionsView -Fields sUserName,sServerName -Where "sUserName = ‘dennisg’"
Then user the sServerName field to log the user off of that server.
A few caveats:
• Invoke-cuquery has to run on a monitor
• You’d have to remotely log the user off. A future release will allow you to use Powershell to initiate actions though
You could probably query your EUC platform for the same if you don’t want to use CU. Though I don’t have readily available examples of thatwe have a trigger that looks for a session to go from Connected to Disconnected and then logs them off when that condition exists for # hours.
Usually, the process is the antivirus, onedrive or any tool using the systray… And the issue is that the session will not go to the disconnected state because, it’s not actually disconnected… The best solution is to determine the remaining process when a user close all "visible" applications and then add them to the LogoffCheckSysModules registry value…
Of course avoid to put the published application exe in this since you will logoff the session right after the logon automatically like one of my customers a few years ago 🙂
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