The user was asked if the high User Input Delay (UIP) was due to infrastructure issues or the Microsoft counter, and @member recommended patching Windows OS if there is a memory leak in ControlUp agent, as well as comparing session count/CPU usage and reducing CPU priority of non-critical processes. The user thanked and will patch as soon as possible. More information can be found in the article at
Read the entire ‘High User Input Delay Issues: Patch Windows OS and Adjust CPU Priority’ thread below:
I have a lot of users with "User Input Delay" >1000ms, especially with Word and Outlook.
Before I dig in more, I read this article and I am not sure anymore if this counter says something about my infrastructure or if it creates the problem.
Do you still recommend to install the fix for W2019 and/or add the registry key to disable the counter ?
Thanks in advance, cheers, JCM
Hi Jean-Charles, we recommend to patch your Windows OS if you are seeing a memory leak in cuagent. The high user input delay is likely due to high CPU utilization on the RDSH server. It might be worthwhile comparing session count/CPU usage across servers to see how that impacts your user input delay and then it should help you to decide what next steps are (add servers/change load balancer policy etc…). You might also want to look into reducing cpu priority of non-critical processes across your environment and increasing priority for those process that are important via the downloadable community Script Actions.
Thanks @member for your answer. We will patch asap.
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