A user asked for help creating an alert in ControlUp Edge DX to detect when a device from a particular group goes offline. It was suggested that the Last Communication property is used to calculate "offline", and a static value could be used in the current alert system. The REST API can be used to get machines that have been offline for a certain amount of time. It was also suggested to look at the bell icon when creating an alert as a list of values with descriptions should be available.
Read the entire ‘Creating an Alert in Edge DX to Monitor Device Statuses’ thread below:
Hello! I’m just getting started with learning how to make alerts in Edge DX. I’m wanting to create an alert within Edge DX to let me know if a device in a particular group goes offline. Wanting to use Edge DX instead of ScoutBees because these devices don’t have Static IP’s and I’d like to be able to make one rule to cover an entire group of devices. Does anyone have a recommended condition to use for simply detecting if the device is offline? Also which rule would I use to narrow it down to a particular group within Edge DX? Thanks in advance!
Hey Josh, Edge doesn’t neccesarily have an “online/offline” column. Whether a machine is “offline” is essentially a calculated property.
As far as I remember, the UI just look at LastCommunication and sees if that is more than 60 minutes ago.
The challenge with that is, alerts (today) require static values. IE you could create a trigger that looks for machines whose last communication was before some static date/time. But that is… well static.
Today, the alerts don’t allow dynamic values. Something like this. But I believe that is coming @member @member, correct me if I’m wrong
What you CAN do, is use the REST API to get machines that have been offline for a certain amount of time
We are in the process of designing a major updates to the alert system and one of the things we are looking at is a way to alert on devices that haven’t communicated for x minutes.
not to hijack this thread, but is there a list of values with description for these alerts?
We’ve definitely gotten that before, but the best way to create an alert today is to go to the machine and hit the bell icon and the values should be there @member
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