A user wanted to validate connectivity between components from the IOP appliances and was suggested to use the iopcmd commands which can test LDAP and TCP ports. The iopcmd commands are intended for internal use, but a command reference is available.
Read the entire ‘Testing Connectivity with iopcmd Commands’ thread below:
Hi Guys,
I’m in the process of validating connectivity between all our components.
Between the servers and their destination (SQL/LDAP/Agents…) I can just use Test-Netconnection. But I would like to validate it from the IOP appliances as well.
Unfortunatly telnet is not an option on the appliance is there some other way to do this? It’s a closed On-Prem environment so hard to get anything extra installed using appget.
So is there a different command / application on the appliances to do these kinds of tests?
Test-NetConnection servername -port 443 π
It is a default powershell commandJust to make sure. I’m logged onto the appliance through SSH and want to test the connections from there to LDAP and all the other stuff.
Not the connection from my windows servers/towards the appliance π
Hence the question and Test-Netconnection is indeed a default PoSH command but not known on the appliances π
Ah. Not a Linux guy, sorry π
A well, it’s time for weekend so a new attempt on monday
Good idea :eugenia:
> iopcmd test ldap -s acmedc.acmecorp.acme.com -dn "CN=John Doe,OU=Users,OU=Accounts,DC=acmecorp,DC=acme,DC=com"
> iopcmd test tcp_port -s -p 8000I like those hidden iopcmd commands. Are there more documented? π
I’m not sure if they are intended for public use or not. If I get fired, say something nice about me π
Jokes aside. I’ll check if they are meant to be public and get them documented
Never heard of those commands but will document them internally for sure π
You can find the command reference here
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