A user inquired about how ControlUp calculates LAN latency in remote DX; ControlUp sends data via the remote DX plugin in the session and currently does not have the ability to configure another IP to ping for the LAN latency. Solutions include using ScoutBees from one or more custom hives or Edge DX as an extra target.
Read the entire ‘How Does ControlUp Calculate LAN Latency in Remote DX?’ thread below:
Hi, how does controlup calculate the Lan latency in remote DX, simply ping the Gateway?
yes, data send via the remote dx plugin in the session
ok, is there maybe a way to configure another ip to ping for the lan latency?
not right now, if this would be inside one of your premises I would look at using scoutbees from one or more custom hives or if you have edge dx you could also set it up as an extra target
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