A user asked how to add a script to the ControlUp Community Script Library. They were directed to a blog post which outlines the process for sharing, and the user mentioned they had two scripts that they created to provide a report of user profiles reset by Citrix Director and to clear the storage space from reseted profiles. This is suggested to be added to @member’s list of community triggers. The Academy can be found at https://cuacademy.controlup.com/
Read the entire ‘How to Add a Script to the ControlUp Community Script Library?’ thread below:
how to add a script in community script library
Hi @member, when you are finalizing the script, it asks you if you want to share it with the community
If you select it, @member will receive a notification, do some Q/A on the script and will add the script
to the library
A nice blog post about the process here: https://workspace-guru.com/2019/01/10/how-to-use-and-create-your-own-controlup-script-based-actions/
Thanks again to @member!
I dont have control console access.
So the best solution would be to share it here with @member
Ok sure Thanks @member
@member yes, let me know what you have
You are in good hands with Bill 😛
Sure… I will DM you…this script will provide an report of User Profile which are reset with the help of Citrix Director by any Engineer.
Also, one more script I have created to Clear the space from Storage of the profiles which are reset from Citrix Director
I hope this will help community and customers.
These are 2 good use cases for both SBA and automation… @member is working on a nice list of community triggers. Release the storage used by reseted UPM profile is a good one
Thanks @member
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