A user inquired about needing to do something special to allow scripts/commands to work in ControlUp’s Edge DX. It was suggested to move the question to the ‘Controlup-edge-dx’ channel, and a support worker offered to check in with the scheduled engineer. It was then revealed that the issue was related to solve actions instead of Edge DX, and the discussion was moved to the relevant channel.
Read the entire ‘Investigating Requirement for Running Scripts in ControlUp’s Edge DX’ thread below:
anything special we need to do to allow scripts/commands to work in Edge DX? i’ve been trying some simple scripts and commands that work locally but never seem to run when i push from Edge so just seeing what might be missing. these are being pushed to Intune based laptops for reference
Are you on v8.7?
are you talking about Edge DX specifically? how could i verify
realtime console definitely on 8.7
Hello Andrew – I would recommend moving this question to the Controlup-edge-dx channel. The version of the Console shouldn’t play an issue in your ability to run scripts, but the version of the SIP agent you are using for your EdgeDX clients could make a difference.
ahhh cool sorry i missed that one! i’ll do that!
My pleasure. There are Solve scripts also and that does depend on what version of the Console you are running. ๐
those solve actions also arent working but i’ve had a long running ticket open on that one ๐
Hmmm, let me check into that for you and see how I can assist.
thatd be great! i do have a call w/ the tech this afternoon on it as well
as far as i’ve been told its a bug
Let me check in with the scheduled engineer and see what the plan of attack is.
awesome thanks for the help!
I see there’s 2 threads. Is this Edge DX or Solve question?
sorry i put the edge question here by mistake ๐ Tripp was looking at the solve action issue . i’ll keep the edge discussion in the right one. sorry guys!
I like to keep Joel guessing anyway. ๐
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